The first thing I have to say about Extreme Liquidation is that I love the cover. Seriously, it's eye-catching and gorgeous.
The basic premise of Extreme Liquidation is this-Caitlin Diggs is a member of the FBI, granted strange visions which aid her various investigations. In this book, it's her job to figure out why certain key members of government are going crazy and killing others. My favorite part of this book (apart from the cover) is the first ten pages-a government official tries to cheat on his wife, goes crazy, and kills a prostitute. Being the disturbing person that I am, something like that tends to get my attention right away.
That being said, it was initially difficult for me to read Extreme Liquidation. Part of the problem is owning up to my personal retardation, meaning I didn't realize this was book two when I bought it (the first one being ‘Blood Web', available on the Author's Site). So, understandably, I was put it into the middle of something I didn't quite understand. Fortunately the author explains a lot of things from the previous novel so this is only a minor problem. Another is that there is a long list of characters in this novel, with first and last names used equally. In other words, the reader better be paying attention, or they're going to get lost.
This novel is essentially a mystery, with a lot of emphasis towards alchemy and superstition. There is a lot of good characterization and attention to scientific detail, and I recommend that this book is read slowly and not skimmed over. For me, this was a good read.
BOTTOM LINE: Can be confusing to readers who prefer to skip over details, but there is a good premise in this one.
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