After taking a very long, long break from blogging I have decided to restart the blog and title it 'Black Haven Reviews'. Why black and not blue? Probably because this blog will be more dedicated to Horror than anything else, although the odd fantasy/sci-fi review will still turn up. :)
So what have I been doing all this time? While I am still writing with a book coming out in December, I have also spent some time branching off and trying new areas of creativity. First of all, I am the video editor of Crushed Toy Productions, which is primary a video channel for my local vintage toy store Cherry Bomb Toys. Secondly, I have also been working on a horror game of my own which is about 75% done.

And of course, this is also a blog for writers, which will also have author interviews, author blogs, and all sorts of giveaways and prizes coming up.
More to follow shortly :)
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